Hello Everyone! Just popping in to talk a bit about the most influential experience I have had in this program thus far. The MDP Workshop, (annual workshop for Management Development Program Trainees held in Philadelphia, PA), was not only fun, but also necessary for my learning, development, and sanity in this program. When taking this position one of my biggest reservations was the concern for my social life and having someone to relate to as I went through this program. This workshop made me completely disregard that reservation. I met over a hundred other trainees who are either going through the same experiences I am or have already been through them. The conversations, tips, and wisdom shared between all the trainees is unparalleled to any other information you can get about the program. Although these trainees are coming from all around the nation, we are all sharing similar experiences and were able to share these experiences with people who wholeheartedly understand what you are talking about. Not only did I gain great ideas and advice from this workshop, but I also gained a great support network that I continue to keep in contact with today.

The workshop itself was informational and engaging, but I found the most interesting part to be the presentations done by the other management trainees (MDP trainees select a topic that they are experiencing at the profit center in which they are located to present during the workshop). These presentations showed the potential of what can be accomplished in this position as well as the knowledge and innovation my peers are bringing to the organization and industry as a whole. Outside of training, being located in d owntown Philadelphia allowed the trainees to casually hang out and have fun in a new environment. Having the time to hang out outside of the professional environment allowed us all to build true friendships.

Overall, this workshop was a great experience that helped me learn and grow both in the moment and every day because of the strong support system I found while there. I look forward to the next couple years of attending this training and seeing what innovative ideas my peers bring to the table in order to bring change and success to Hajoca!

Halie Muter

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