Ashley Hajoca Management Development Program candidate


Hi everyone, my name is Ashley and I want to tell you about the most monumental decision I have ever made in my career. Prior to me joining Hajoca, I spent 10 years as a high school history teacher. In 2021, I was tapped out in my growth as far as teaching and being in administration did not interest me, so I began to look elsewhere for opportunities. My husband and brother both worked for Hajoca and encouraged me to apply. Upon being accepted into the MDP program, I knew that a life altering decision was in front me. I could stay in a teaching career that was safe and predictable, or I could dive headfirst into a new unknown career. After a lot of thought and consideration, I was determined to challenge myself. I made a commitment that I would seize every opportunity to grow and learn as quickly as possible within Hajoca. This mantra has proven to be very effective for me throughout my time in the MDP program. I have now been with Hajoca for 2 ½ years and opened a greenfield profit center in Chandler, Arizona in December of 2023! With two young kids at home, my husband (who is also a PCM), and I, have been given the freedom to live into our dreams by Hajoca.

manuel Hajoca Management Development Program candidate


My name is Manuel and I joined the Hajoca Management Development Program after graduating from the University of Arizona in 2021. When I first heard about Hajoca, I thought it was too good to be true. Two years later, it’s the best choice I could have made for my career. Hajoca has a strong culture that has built a positive work environment across the board. Our teammates are hard workers, generous teachers, and are as invested in my success as they are in their own. Learning the business from the bottom up is humbling and has given me the foundation to be a problem solver for our business partners, myself, and my future team. I’m excited to continue the final part of my training and to eventually lead a successful team.

Scott Hajoca Management Development Program candidate


Hello! I am Scott, a second phase management trainee in New Jersey. I am a graduate of Temple University’s Fox School of Business with a major in supply chain management. What drew me to Hajoca were the company’s core values of Fairness & Caring, Trust & Respect, Generous Listening, and Straight Talk. Having experienced a lack of these values in previous roles, I have come to appreciate the power of working dynamically with high-performing individuals in an environment where teammates are trusted to do the right thing. Hajoca’s Management Development Program has given me the opportunity and freedom to grow as a business professional, and as an individual, through consistent exposure to many exciting challenges. I highly recommend the MDP for anyone looking for a motivating career that empowers you to thrive!

Hugo Management Development Program graduate


Hello my name is Hugo and I’m the Manager of Hajoca Van Nuys. I joined the company as a Manager Trainee after graduating from the University of Southern California within the Marshall School of Business in 2011. Naturally, having a father who owned an auto mechanic shop and an uncle who owned a restaurant inspired me at an early age to have my own business after earning my degree. Joining Hajoca has completely filled this lifelong desire of becoming a business owner! Since becoming a manager, I chose my location and assisted in negotiating the lease on our current building, hired and developed multiple team members, and now build powerful partnerships with customers and vendors. Knowing that I have the freedom to make everyday business decisions that impact the business directly and in turn my own personal finances through Hajoca’s generous Profit Sharing Model is incredibly motivating.