Month 17 – December 2013

Ed (purchasing), Gene (me), and Debbie (another management trainee) at the Weinstein 2013 holiday party.

Ed (purchasing), Gene (me), and Debbie (another management trainee) at the Weinstein 2013 “Hawaiian” holiday party.

December… the end of 2013 has finally arrived. I’m eager to jump ahead and talk about the holidays, but I will backtrack to the beginning of the month. On 12/3 and 12/4 I drove out to Lancaster, PA for a meeting with the Kohler Company. All of the profit center managers from the Northeast and Midwest regions gathered for a two-day conference with our Kohler reps. We discussed everything including sales growth, market share potential, new product development, and policy changes moving into 2014. It was nice to see the folks from Kohler again, but I felt that the main benefit for me was to be able to meet and speak with the other Hajoca managers.

The rest of the month was relatively uneventful. I continued to help out by working at Lansdowne until 12/20. I returned to the Philadelphia office on the 23rd. I was glad to be back in Philly, but I somewhat missed the folks at Lansdowne too. I think I will stop by to visit them again sometime later this winter.

On the 14th of December, we had our annual Weinstein Supply “End of the Year” holiday party at Maggiano’s Little Italy. We had a lot of fun; there was plenty of good food, drinks, and laughter. It was nice to meet my co-workers’ family members and interact with everyone outside of the everyday work environment.

My first day back in Philly was quite a riot too! On Monday, 12/23, we worked until noon and then had our office party. Ed, the big boss, had gag gifts for everybody and gave thorough explanations for the meaning behind each one. Hilarity ensued. After being closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas, we finished out the year strong as we begin 2014 and prepare for our annual forecast meeting on January 7th.